Vigormusic is aware that the protection of personal data and its confidential use are of great importance to users. We have therefore developed a Privacy Policy regarding how we process your personal data. We invite you to read this document to learn about our privacy policies and to see any updates on it. The data collected as well as any other information that can be associated, directly or indirectly, with the data subject, are collected and used in accordance with Community Regulation 2016/679 on personal data. In compliance with the provisions of the provisions pursuant to and for the effects of art. Under Article 13 of the aforementioned Community regulation on the subject,  Vigormusic,in its capacity as data controller, informs users of the purposes and methods of processing thepersonal data collected, their scope of communication and dissemination, as well as the nature and legal basis of their provision. Vigormusic informs  that the processing of the acquired data takes place in compliance with the following conditions:

  1. Purpose and legal basis of the processing All personal data may be acquired and provided by the data subjects, in compliance with current trade regulations, for administrative, accounting and management purposes of the employment or information relationship within our activity also through IT tools and procedures. The collection and processing, in full compliance with the principle of relevance (privacy by default), may also be linked to purposes connected and instrumental to the requests received. The data will be stored exclusively for the period of use and, for those having administrative value, for the mandatory retention period established by civil and tax legislation.
  2. Methods of data processing
    The processing is carried out by the Data Controller, the Managers and any Data Controllers through IT procedures or in any case telematic means and /or paper media. The data are stored in paper, COMPUTER and/or telematic archives and are insured for their use specific minimum security measures. The data will not be the subject of automated decision-making, including profiling.
  3. Provision of data
    Failure to provide, even partial, the data expressly indicated as necessary and mandatory for the pursuit of the purposes, including contractual ones, referred to in point 1 above, will determine the impossibility for Vigormusic  to process the data and therefore to provide the requested products/services. In order to properly process the data, it is necessary for the data subject to promptly communicate changes in his personal data to the Data Controller.
  4. Categories of subjects who may become aware of personal data
    The personal data processed by this company are known by the Data Controller, the Managers and any persons responsible for the processing of personal data. There are no data processing companies and the company, due to its operation and size, has not provided for the appointment of a DPO (Data Protection Officer).
  5. Dissemination of data Data will not be disseminated and, under no circumstances, communicated, in compliance with the purposes, in non-EU countries.
  6. Rights of the person concerned You may apply to  Vigormusic to assert your rights as referred to in the Community Regulation, which we attach in copy. If the processing is based on art. 6 par. 1 lit. A or Article 8(2)(a) of the Treaty. A (based on specific consent), the data subject will have the right to exercise the rights referred to in art. 13 co.2 lit.b and c. The person concerned also has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority.
  7. Data controller Is  Vigormusic with registered office in Via Scuola Eleatica 2/a - 84025 Eboli (Sa). If you have any questions or clarifications regarding the Privacy Policy of this Site, please contact us:


Registered office: Via Scuola Eleatica 2/a - 84025 Eboli(Sa) - Italymail


Last updated: May 2018.



Via Scuola Eleatica 2/a
84025 Eboli (Sa) Italy 
+39 0828.1991205
+39 347.2993793
C. F.91046550652
P. I.04934320658

© 2023 Vigormusic. All rights reserved.


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Note on Privacy: By submitting this form you authorize the processing of the personal data contained therein. The data controller is VIGORMUSIC Via Scuola Eleatica 2 / a - 84025 Eboli (Sa). VIGORMUSIC will not disclose or communicate this information to third parties. The data will be used only for the provision of the requested services. The interested party has the right to obtain the cancellation of the processed data at any time or to rectify or integrate them if they are incomplete or incorrect. For more information see  the Rules for the protection of privacy.